Hold Hope. Host Heaven. Heal Hearts

The Way You See It

As a psychologist, I'm trained to administer the infamous Rorschach Inkblot Test. I hand a person a card and ask, "What might this be? Help me to see it the way you see it."

While the test is simple, what it reveals is profound. It allows me to see into your personality, what you perceive, and how you interpret information through the lens of the world inside you. It reveals your blindspots, emotional and relational vulnerabilities, and how you make meaning out of nothing.

This test reminds me that we all have a unique way of interacting with the world. It helps me to understand how I see and to value how someone else sees. "What might this be?” I see a butterfly. You see a footprint? “Help me to see it the way you see it." What a profound statement. What a mature and honoring posture.

So the next time you are frustrated with someone who doesn't see things the way you see them, Stop, take a breath, and then ask, "Help me to see it the way you see it."

Photos by Sam Graves.